November 2022

As the holidays are fast approaching, we just want us to take a minute to remember always to be thankful. Here are a few things we are thankful for here @ KGH. We are thankful for family and friends. We have been reunited with friends and family that we have not seen in years. For kindness. You have taken time to give to KGH. You have given us precious items to make our tiny house a big home. There are some of you that have never met us and have given monetary donations. After long hours of work, you show come to continue building the tiny house, Piece by piece. I am thankful for the heart God has given you. We are thankful for your prayers and encouragement. There are days when we all get discouraged. Knowing that you believe in God and in the vision of KGH means everything. Most of all we are thankful for God’s Grace. I am a sinner saved by God’s Grace. His Grace in by giving me another life, another chance, to serve you. I am so thankful for you. Beauty for Ashes


December 2022


October 2022